music-based somatic & creative practice

Drone House is a music-based somatic & creative practice, and a container for your personal work or ritual. The services are focused meditative practices, 30 minutes in length, with small sections that build towards creative fluidity, connection with yourself and your tools, and toning your nervous system to be able to dig deeply in to that work or pleasure. You can participate as a singer, an instrumentalist, or with movement.

I'm synthesizing different somatic healing work and artistic development work that has been meaningful in my own path, and offering a vessel in which folks can experience this kind of practice themselves. Some of the minimalistic music practices are just the sort of very-subtle-improvisation that I lead traditional music students in who are wanting to be able to learn how to 'make tunes their own,' / have a living breathing relationship with the traditional music instead of replicating others' sounds. Some of the work hits multiple goals, like singing long drones both strengthening the voice and helping the participant find their own unique timbre, while also calming and toning the nervous system, and preparing them for the following work. I'm synthesizing different somatic healing work and artistic development work that has been meaningful in my own path, and offering a vessel in which folks can experience this kind of practice themselves. Some of the minimalistic music practices are just the sort of very-subtle-improvisation that I lead traditional music students in who are wanting to be able to learn how to 'make tunes their own,' / have a living breathing relationship with the traditional music instead of replicating others' sounds. Some of the work hits multiple goals, like singing long drones both strengthening the voice and helping the participant find their own unique timbre, while also calming and toning the nervous system, and preparing them for the following work.

I plan to present a video after the first few workshops that offers background information on the many traditions I'm drawing from that have informed these exercises I've written, the original music therein, and sheds light on the deeper working of specific breaths-per-minute, and somatic connections. In general, this work is a reflection of my lived experience as a musician and as a human, and directs towards practices that have helped me understand myself, and feel comfortable, connected, in my body, in my art, in my life.

Drone House will be be dynamic - bringing in new work gradually while deepening the familiar. I look forward to this new format unfolding and deepening. I suggest practicing the series chronologically, as I’ll deepen the coaching on the generative exercises as the series develops, and let go of instruction completely on some of the anchoring exercises.




“This kind of work is exactly what I have been searching for as a musician, as a human!”

— Tanya B.

“Thank you. I felt challenged, invited, welcomed to be present. This work reminds me of the authenticity I can bring to other practices.”


Depth Session for Drone House (audio interview) Taking-it-deeper for folks who work with the sessions, and a full background welcome-in for folks who are curious about the series.

“I've maintained some form of mindfulness approach for a long time, but I feel like there’s something unlocked by incorporating improvisational sound production into it. I felt an unpredicted sense of holiness (for lack of a better word).”

— NAte D.

“I've been trying to free up my vocal chords from the restrictions being placed on them by Parkinsons. In the early mornings I try to develop a good bass resonance in my chest.”

— Ron F.